diablo iii

  • 网络暗黑破坏神
diablo iiidiablo iii
  1. What 's new about Diablo III compared to the previous Diablo games ?


  2. Can you give an overview of Diablo III 's storyline ?


  3. To top things off , its Diablo III is the top-selling PC game so far this year .


  4. Essentially what your question comes down to then is , where is the system in Diablo III that allows us to make base weapons more powerful ?


  5. We 're developing Diablo III to be the definitive action role-playing game , and a true continuation of the Diablo series .


  6. As with all of our games , our goal with Diablo III is to release the game simultaneously in as many regions as possible , and to localize the game in several languages .
